Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


Ho-ho-ho! Big news coming up!
I am, from this very moment, gonna blog in English!
I´ve been thinking about this for quite a long time, but haven´t really found the inspiration.
Until today.
So, for those of you out there who have been longing to understand what I´m writing, your time has come :)
Short presentation:
I am Gunilla, operasinger, dog-and cat-person-and-owner, gym rat, yogini, and
I´ve also started directing opera the last year.

I don´t eat my best friends = no meat.

One of my best friends, rescue dog Egon. He is from Romania.

I am also the mother of two lovely human beings, Elin and Jacob.
They are not kids anymore (at least they don´t think they are, but I know better, hehe)

Elin has her own blog .

Here she is, with little Santa.

Last week has been shitty and awful, but I´m gonna look forward and not become manic about it.
Try to accept lifes´ little changes and surprises and blablabla...well, maybe I will write more about it another day.

I had the day off today (when I´m not singing or directing or spending time with the four-legged family members, I work in a gym) and had a fika (lovely swedish word meaning coffee and thoughts and talk and maybe a cinnamon bun or something) with my old friend and opera singer collegue Pär. We´ve known each other for 35 years or something. We went to the very interesting Café Valand, which looks exactly the same as it did back in 1954. Pretty cool, actually!


These guys sat next to us. Just kiddin´.

Me  :)

Also me :)

Since it takes a lot of concentration and focus to blog in English, I´m gonna stop here for now.
It´s friday night, and I have the weekend off.
Coming up: Birthday party tomorrow and Intensivjympa on Sunday.
Intensivjympa means a really sweaty and intense gym class with crazy people in a group doing pushups and jumping around for 55 minutes.
Great fun, though!

Tshüssie! (I´m very international)


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                                           Även en ganska stor hund vill sitta i knät ibland Söndagarna har blivit min Hiram-dag. Idag blir det Ungersk gulasch, det luktar lovande, kan jag avslöja! :) Låter töntigt och nördigt, men hennes recept har tagit matlagningen till en helt annan nivå. Jag älskar att det är enkelt, lite bohemiskt, rejält och framför allt, det blir alltid underbart gott! Hurra för Hiram :) Annars är dagen rätt trist...grått grått grått och duggregn. Enligt EU-passet fyller lilla flickan Smilla 2 år idag, och hon ska så småningom firas med leverpastej. Min egen, vackra, fina hundflicka <3 På onsdag ska jag på massage. Är helt spänd/stel i höger sida av kroppen. Knäet är konstigt och jag vet inte hur det går med maratonet. Smilla och jag går/springer ju ...

Zombie Friday

Headache, runny nose and feeling like a zombie. The last week hasn´t been too much fun, not only because of zombie mood. todays´mood Almost fell asleep standing up  :( I normally only drink coffee in the morning, but today was an exception... This little guy doesn´t know what  being a zombie feels like. He celebrated his 8th birthday yesterday! Nice thing though: I´ve been jogging with the dogs this week, which is kind of my own therapy against depression. Knee feels (almost) fine, and I feel soooo much better after doing it. Best therapy in the world, dogs and physical movement 💗💗 Right now, I´m relaxing in the sofa, listening to french pop music from the 1960s´. Roland loves Gilbert Becaud  😼 Jeanne 💘 Have a lovely friday!

Trevlig helg

Med denna fina bild önskar jag och mina djur en trevlig helg. Personligen tycker jag att katten är underbar. Vilken katt ligger sådär liksom...? Maria ser ju glad ut iaf! De tre vise männen har något bistrare uppsyn. Katten är nog förresten rätt nöjd med att den fick vara Jesus. Eller så tyckte den att det var helt självklart. Nu ska jag snart ut och sjunga julsånger igen. Hoppas den där kulturbussen tar sig fram i snödrivorna bara. Hej så länge!