Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


When I write the word "Saturday" in english, I always think of the song "Come saturday morning", a song that I sort of grew up with:

Come Saturday morning
I'm goin' away with my friend
We'll Saturday-spend till the end of the day
Just I and my friend
We'll travel for miles in our Saturday smiles
And then we'll move on
But we will remember long after Saturday's gone
You know what the trouble is?
Trouble is that probably all the good things in life
Take place in no more than a minute
I mean all I did, I, I bet you
At the end of seventy years should you lose someone
You can sit down, you can figure the whole thing out
You spent nineteen years sleepin'
You spent five years goin' to the bathroom
You spent thirty-five years doin'
Some kinda work you absolutely hated
Spent seven thousand eight hundred and
Fifty-three minutes blinkin' your eyes
And added to that, you got that one minute of good things
Then one day you wonder whether you're minute's up
And then we'll move on
But we will remember long after Saturday's gone

It was on the first record I bought on my own, this one:

OMG I get so nostalgic by just looking at the cover!!!!

I also loved John Denver. I loved his songs, his lyrics, his relaxed style, his love to the nature. I still love it actually :)

Who doesn´t love this!!??

I´m off to my friend Ulrikas´ birthday party tonight, but I´m gonna take the doggies out for another walk first. They get a LOT OF walks, those little lovebugs!

exciting things happen in the bath tub!

According to these two individuals, at least!

Bye for now :)


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Zombie Friday

Headache, runny nose and feeling like a zombie. The last week hasn´t been too much fun, not only because of zombie mood. todays´mood Almost fell asleep standing up  :( I normally only drink coffee in the morning, but today was an exception... This little guy doesn´t know what  being a zombie feels like. He celebrated his 8th birthday yesterday! Nice thing though: I´ve been jogging with the dogs this week, which is kind of my own therapy against depression. Knee feels (almost) fine, and I feel soooo much better after doing it. Best therapy in the world, dogs and physical movement 💗💗 Right now, I´m relaxing in the sofa, listening to french pop music from the 1960s´. Roland loves Gilbert Becaud  😼 Jeanne 💘 Have a lovely friday!

Trevlig helg

Med denna fina bild önskar jag och mina djur en trevlig helg. Personligen tycker jag att katten är underbar. Vilken katt ligger sådär liksom...? Maria ser ju glad ut iaf! De tre vise männen har något bistrare uppsyn. Katten är nog förresten rätt nöjd med att den fick vara Jesus. Eller så tyckte den att det var helt självklart. Nu ska jag snart ut och sjunga julsånger igen. Hoppas den där kulturbussen tar sig fram i snödrivorna bara. Hej så länge!